Friday, August 19, 2011

Candied Walnut Gorgonzola Salad

On the same day that I made my Cranberry Granola Nut Bars, I also made this Candied Walnut Gorgonzola Salad. No I'm not turning into a health nut, faaaar from it (although I am obsessed with nuts lately...can you tell?). All in all, I'm just trying to eat healthier on the days when I'm not out stuffing my face at restaurants. Simple as that.

I bought a huge bag of cranberries for my Cranberry Granola Nut Bars so I knew I wanted to incorporate that in my salad. I also love having cheese (of any kind) in it so I was pretty happy when I found this recipe; it had everything that I was looking for...and more! It was my first time making candied walnuts and I can seriously just munch on them non stop (had to stop myself or else there wouldn't be any left for the salad). The crunchiness and sweetness from the walnuts, combined with the strong Gorgonzola and the sourness from the dried cranberries, makes this Candied Walnut Gorgonzola Salad my fav salad right now.  

Really. Consider doubling the walnuts for snacking =D

Candied Walnut Gorgonzola Salad - adapted from allrecipes
(4 servings)


  • 1/2 cup walnut halves
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 3 cups mixed greens
  • 1/2 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola cheese
  • 1 tablespoon raspberry vinaigrette
  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

Note: I used spinach instead of mixed greens (I spinach)


1. Place walnuts and sugar in a skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves into a light brown liquid and coats the walnuts.

2. Remove the walnuts from skillet, and spread them out on a sheet of aluminum foil to cool. 

3. Place in a large salad bowl the mixed greens, cranberries, cheese, vinaigrette, vinegar, and olive oil. Too gently.

4. Add candied walnuts, and toss again. DONE!