Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Winners of the Teara Lab Giveaway are...


Congratulations! You've all won a pair of sandwich combo vouchers to Teara LabPlease email your name, Twitter handle and mailing address to

A big THANK YOU to the 32 contestants who participated in this contest! 

Here's a snapshot of the Excel spreadsheet where I tracked the #fjctearalab hashtag from day one of the contest. The tracking was done using chronological order, as in, #1 was the first person to enter the contest. To enter, the person had to tweet "I just entered for a chance to win a pair of @TearaLab vouchers from @foodieyu! #fjctearalab". Each person could tweet once a day for the duration of the contest. Once the contest was over and everybody's entries were accounted for, I checked to see if they followed me (@foodieyu) on Twitter. Below are the 71 valid entries:

I used "True Random Number Generator" from to pick five winners for me.