16-Course Tasting Menu at Buca Osteria & Bar (Buca Yorkville)
Rob Gentile (chefrobgentile), Executive Chef
Ryan Campbell (bucachefcampbell), Chef de Cuisine
Kris Lee (krisokgunlee), Sous Chef
STUZZICHINI (appetizer)
BOTTARGA - Sea urchin bottarga, senape yogurt
Look at the size of that truffle...we better be gettin' some!
PIZZETTA – Taleggio, duck yolk, pregiato truffle
GNOCCO FRITTO – Tuna n’duja
CRUDI (raw)
GEODUCK – Alaskan clam, juniper, meyer lemon, calabrian olive oil
OSTRICHE – East coast oyster, smoked albacore, olive oil
Chef Ryan is always grating something! First truffle, now smoked ginger.
CAPESANTE – Scallop, lumpfish caviar, sea asparagus, senape yogurt, smoked ginger, olive oil
SALUMI e FRITTI (salumi and fried)
SALUMI DE MARE – Cured seafood and accompaniments.
From top to bottom: Octopus salami, hot-smoked eel, smoked herring, rainbow trout, whitefish, cold-smoked albacore tuna, and cured tuna. Served with red pepper sauce and meyer lemon gel.
LINGUA – Cod tongue, zabaglione, gremolata
ANGUILLA – New Brunswick eel “in saor”, sea buckthorn, pine nut
PASTE (pasta)
Time for some carbs.
CANESTRI – Ragu di mare, side stripe shrimp, spiced chickepea
GNOCCHI – Grated pacific sea urchin, pregiato truffles from Molise
A third pasta dish? Yes, please!
CARBONARA – Bucatini, smoked herring bottarga, quail egg
PESCE (fish)
TROTA – Poached albino trout, sweet butter emulsion, sicilian caper
POLIPO – Octopus, fregola sarda, bone marrow
Wonder what sous chef Kris has in that hot stone pot?
It's clams!
DOLCE (sweet)
SORBETTI – Rosa plum sorbet, house-made honeycomb, brachetto
PANNA COTTA – Buffalo mozzarella, wild grape puree, citrus olive oil
A look inside...
ZEPPOLE – Cinnamon, pistachio cream, amarena
PICCOLO PASTICERIA - Polenta pastries flavoured with orange, chocolate and coffee
Number of Courses: 19 plates in total.
Duration: 3.5 hours. It didn't feel that long; the entire tasting was very well-paced. Sitting at the chef's table by the kitchen made the experience a lot of fun.
Price: $180 per person. Additional $100 for wine pairings.
Favourite dishes: Pizzetta, geoduck, scallop, fried cod tongue, all the pastas (OK if I had to choose one it would be the gnocchi), albino trout (so buttery!), octopus, clams (that broth!), rosa plum sorbet, panna cotta, and zeppole.
Did I leave full and satisfied?: Heck ya! It didn't feel like much food at first (I was even scared that I wouldn't be full) but then came the pastas, and the fish, and the octopus, and the clams, and all the desserts - I rolled outta there
Was it worth it?: Yes, this tasting menu is worth it especially for people who love seafood (notice no red meat anywhere). If 19 courses seem like too much food then go for their 7-course tasting menu for $100 per person.
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